The Eurasian Scientific Journal accepts for publication the research articles on the following specialties:
Specialties on the «List of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the basic scientific results of thesis works for a doctor’s or candidate’s degree of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of Russia should be published» and indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
5.2.1. Economic Theory (Economic Sciences)
5.2.3. Regional and Sectoral Economics (Economic Sciences)
5.2.4. Finance (Economic Sciences)
5.2.5. World Economy (Economic Sciences)
5.2.6. Management (Economic Sciences)
2.1.1. Building Structures, Buildings and Facilities (Engineering Sciences)
2.1.2. Foundations and Underground Structures (Engineering Sciences)
2.1.3. Heat Supply, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Gas Supply and Lighting (Engineering Sciences)
2.1.5. Building Materials and Products (Engineering Sciences)
2.1.7. Construction Technology and Organization (Engineering Sciences)
2.1.9. Structural Mechanics (Engineering Sciences)
2.1.13. Urban development, planning of rural settlements (technical sciences)
2.1.14. Life cycle management of construction projects (technical sciences)
2.8.4. Development and exploitation of oil and gas fields (technical sciences)
1.6.21. Geoecology (geological and mineralogical sciences)
1.6.21. Geoecology (technical sciences)
The Eurasian Scientific Journal
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2. In accordance with GOST 7.83-2001 the journal is a network electronic publication. This electronic publication is potentially accessible to the unlimited range of users via telecommunications networks;
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